Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Browse the questions we're most often asked in Support and in our Facebook group.


All People Like Us subscriptions start with a free Trial. As a Trial member, you may view all our listings and make enquiries of Premium members. In order to agree an exchange, you'll need a Premium (paid) membership. All of our membership options are on this page:

People Like Us started 1 April 2018 and after three years of building our community and planning, we introduced a fee to make our service sustainable into the future. Our Founders were our first PLU’s to join and we’ll be forever thankful for the support shown to our community. We wouldn’t be here without them.

No. Trials are limited to one per person.

Non-Premium members are people who have activated a home profile but not paid for Premium membership. They include people who have never become Premium and those that were once Premium but are not now. Non-Premium members can receive messages from Premium members and reply to them and continue existing conversations. They can start one new enquiry a day.

Auto-renewal is provided to make it easier for you to keep your subscription current and not have to worry about your future exchanges being cancelled from accidentally missing a renewal. If you do want to stop it, go to the member menu (click your photo) and then My Subscription. There's an option to cancel (or restart) your auto-renewal on this page.

Auto-renewal is provided to make it easier for you to keep your subscription current and not have to worry about your future exchanges being cancelled from accidentally missing a renewal. If you need to update your payment method, go to the member menu (click your photo) and then My Account. There's an option on this page to update your credit card. Remember, People Like Us uses the world's biggest payment gateway, Stripe, to handle all payments. People Like Us does not keep credit card information on our site or in our database anywhere.

We're distributing one Globe for each existing member and one for each new member in our community. At this time, we have no plans to introduce further Globes with renewals.

We want our new members to experience a genuine, sharing exchange experience. We believe, is best felt from hosting another member. This can be any type of exchange: simultaneous, non-simultaneous, non-reciprocal or hospitality, as long as the other member is staying in your place for 5 nights or more. We're using Globes to make sure that all new members will do this first, before receiving their Globe for a non-reciprocal exchange.

No. While your membership status will be downgraded to Non-Member (as we don't have any more Trial members), your Globe will be held in escrow for you for another 12 months in case you join us as a Premium member in future.

In order to unlock your membership Globe, you have to host another member for 5 nights or more. Host means to have another member at your home (whether or not you're home). This can be any type of exchange: simultaneous, non-simultaneous, non-reciprocal or hospitality. The important thing is that the member is staying at your home to qualify toward the count of days.