
The most important part of People Like Us is our community. It's what makes us "People Like Us". See what hundreds of our members have had to say about PLU and our community.

People Like Us is unlike any other traveling community I have ever been a part of - I feel such an innate trust for everyone on here. It's really quite incredible. Thank you, Drew, for setting the tone and remaining so engaged!

Amy, Member Since January 2020

We think this is the most inclusive and friendliest site in the world. It's like we are just waiting to meet our new best friends from around the world that we haven't had a chance to meet yet! So many friendly and exciting lands and opportunities await us all. Let's get traveling!! Wishing everyone and their families a safe and prosperous 2023!

dawn, Member Since March 2021

Very happy to have been able to finalize my first exchange with PLU. We will go to Tours while our hosts come to Annecy. I am on 2 other sites and impossible to find so many thanks PLU. -- Very happy to have been able to finalize my first exchange with PLU. We will go to Tours while our hosts will come to Annecy. Many thanks PLU.

Martine, Member Since September 2019

We are new to home exchanging and we met here many wonderful and kind people. Last year we did cat-sitting exchange with a lovely family in Hamburg which was a life saver during covid times. We can't wait for more exchanges in the future!

Natalia & Cian, Member Since May 2020

We have recommended PLU to a few people who have joined and are active on the fb page . We tell them it’s the best home exchange group and to come and join us and see for themselves.

Katherine, Member Since December 2018

People Like Us is like belonging to an exclusive but friendly club. Drew, who created the website, is amazingly available for any help and advice, as is his team. Other members always seem to respond quickly and positively, even if they can't manage the exchange you might have in mind, they'll almost always try to help. Basically, it's for 'people like us' - adventurous, warm, outgoing travellers who like other people and are inclined to trust them. It's not for everyone, but if you like the idea of something new, something different and the chance to meet other like minded friends it's for you.

Sandra, Member Since March 2019

PLU is as much a global family as it is a home exchange site. Other members feel like friends, especially the ones we have exchanged with. Members care about each other's welfare and we even have a Secret Santa at Christmas!

Sandra, Member Since August 2019

The PLU community is truly wonderful: it shows kindness, humor, generosity (there is a lot of spontaneous help when a member is in difficulty)... all this under the watchful and friendly eye of the creator of the site, Drew. How lucky to be able to be part of this beautiful “family” of exchangers! The PLU community is really great: it shows kindness, humor, generosity (there is a lot of spontaneous help when a member is in difficulty)... all of this under the watchful and friendly eye of the site founder, Drew. How lucky to be able to be part of this beautiful "family" of interchanges!

Solange, Member Since January 2019