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Yes, home exchange is great for remote working. A large portion of the People Like Us community is doing exactly that. They exchange homes, which gives them the opportunity to work from their exchange partner’s home for a certain amount of time. All you need is to find a peer remote worker who wants to exchange with you and a good internet connection!

At People Like Us, we have homes in 120 countries. Join People Like Us, pick up your favorite destination, get in touch with local members, and start a conversation. Once you have agreed, pack your computer and go!

By home exchanging as a remote worker, you are going save a lot of money. At People Like Us, no money changes hands, which means that you will not have to pay any rental fees. All you have to pay for is the membership to the platform, which gives you access to unlimited exchanges for a year. Also, while you are away, your host will stay in your home. No need to worry about leaving an empty home, and no need to rent it, since you won’t have to pay rent for the home you will stay in.

There are obvious financial benefits, as you won’t have any rental costs. But there are even greater benefits. As you will stay in someone’s home, you will have an immersive experience that would hardly happen in a rental. Your exchange partner will be happy to introduce you to their neighbors, indicate their best tips and addresses, the places to eat, hike, swim, the local festivals, and much more. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, especially for a long exchange, it will transform your experience. And don’t forget to reciprocate with your guest!

Your exchange partner will stay in your place as you will stay in theirs. Trust is at the core of home exchange. The reciprocity reinforces a culture of respect and friendship. Your exchange partner will treat your home with care, as you will treat theirs.

For any home exchange, you do a thorough clean-up prior to the exchange and lock any sensitive or fragile piece in a room or a closet. Leave clear guidance regarding your house rules, appliances, security, relevant information such as the wifi code, and emergency numbers. Your exchange partners will travel with a suitcase, so you just need to clear a bit of space for them to unpack comfortably. No need to empty the closets. Unlike a rental, an exchange home is warm and welcoming. It makes all the difference.

People Like Us provides search filters for desired destinations, travel dates, and home types. Browse listings and reach out to potential partners for exchange opportunities. You will also receive enquiries from others, opening doors to fantastic opportunities. Even if you're not interested, respond courteously - we value a caring community.

People Like Us provide search filters for desired destinations, travel dates, and home types. Browse listings and reach out to potential partners for exchange opportunities. You will also receive inquiries from others, opening doors to fantastic opportunities. Even if you're not interested, respond courteously - we value a caring community.

Start by enhancing your profile with details about your cat and their stay during the exchange. Consider sharing a photo of your furry companion and whether you're open to caring for your exchange partner's cat in return. While searching, utilize site filters like Pet friendly and include the keyword cat lover in your search. When you've found a potential exchange, communicate clearly about your cat's needs and expectations to ensure a delightful experience for all, including your feline friend

When you share a link to Facebook, Facebook takes a copy of the information from that page and caches (i.e. saves) it. If you share the same link again a week later, Facebook presents the information from its cache rather than going back to the original page. It's the way that Facebook presents so much data from shared links quickly. If, in the meantime, the page has changed, Facebook won't know. It will still present the old copy. You can tell Facebook to scrape the page again if you've changed it. Here's how: 1. Go to 2. Copy the link to your page (there's a Copy Link button at the top), paste it in the field on the page and click Debug. Facebook will show you the contents of its cache and when it was scraped. 3. Click Scrape Again. Facebook will go back to the original page and get the new data. That's it! The only thing is that existing posts and comments will not be updated. If you want to get the new information, you'll need to update the post or post again.

A homeschool-family friendly home exchange is an arrangement where two parties swap homes with one another for a specified period. Families who homeschool can benefit by living in a different location, experiencing new cultures for both parents and children alike, and learning from the local environment. It’s a great opportunity to supplement existing curricula with real world experiences and travel. Not to mention, it’s a very cost-effective way to travel while preventing any delays during the formative years of a child’s education.

A teacher-friendly home typically is equivalent to your own home away from home for the mutually agreed time. If you want to, there may be opportunities for cultural exchange by engaging with local schools or other educational institutions, as well as learning about other teaching practises in different regions. Or maybe you just want to relax and simply enjoy your time exploring a new destination.

Home exchange platforms provide search filters for desired destinations, travel dates, and home types. Browse listings and reach out to potential partners for exchange opportunities. You'll also receive inquiries from other members.

When listing your home for exchange and having cats, include information about your cats' presence, their care routines, their character, and if you're open to reciprocating pet care. Mention any special needs, provide photos, and clarify your expectations for other cat-friendly travelers. Don't forget to include your veterinarian's contact just in case.

While on People Like Us, you may search for homes that are owned specifically by other families who homeschool. Once in touch, feel free to get to know your home swap partner! You can establish any educational-related needs, and whether the listing is a good fit.

While on People Like Us, you may search for homes that are owned specifically by teachers. Once in touch, feel free to get to know your home swap partner! You can establish any teacher-related needs, and exchange tips about the most interesting places to visit, natural wonders, cultural venues, local events, restaurants, markets... anything that will make all the difference to enhance your stay and theirs.

Your own listing will provide an opportunity for potential home swap partners to get to know you and vice versa. Safety is a top priority. Before exchanging, communicate extensively with your potential swap partners. Read reviews and testimonials, and use secure home exchange platforms. Trust your instincts and only exchange with families you feel comfortable with. With years of experience, and a fantastic community of home exchangers, People Like Us ensure that this won’t be difficult.

Your own listing will provide an opportunity for potential home swap partners to get to know you. Of course, include your profession, and any specific requirements you have, such as a quiet workspace. Establish whether you both consent to sharing educational materials, if appropriate. You can also mention any educational institutions nearby that may be of interest to visiting teachers!

Given the fantastic opportunity that home swapping can provide, it would be worth considering the intricacies of your homeschool curriculum, and whether it can be adapted to allow for educational trips in the locale of your new home swap. There are plenty of potential local learning opportunities to be had, and this should be supplemented with some forethought regarding access to necessary materials, textbooks, online resources, and educational tools. Internet is often a big factor, for instance.

Apart from quiet workspace availability, and access to educational materials or resources, one can ask about the stability and reliability of the internet. Be curious about local attractions and cultural not to miss that might make the difference in your potential stay.

Accuracy is important when describing your listing. The clearer your description of your home and amenities, the better the experience for both parties can be. Of course, discuss expectations, it’s important to establish those ahead of time. Finally, and most importantly, be considerate of your exchange partner’s home and belongings, as you’d want them to respect your own space.

A homeschool-family friendly home exchange is an arrangement where two parties swap homes with one another for a specified period. Families who homeschool can benefit by living in a different location, experiencing new cultures for both parents and children alike, and learning from the local environment. It’s a great opportunity to supplement existing curricula with real world experiences and travel. Not to mention, it’s a very cost-effective way to travel while preventing any delays during the formative years of a child’s education.

Aside from the internet service, there are a couple of things about your home swap partner’s home that may be especially conducive to your children learning, as well as having a good time, yourself. This usually involves some form of dedicated learning space, which is generally quiet and free from distractions. Outdoor space and security, knowing how safe your home swap partner’s neighbourhood is, can also provide peace of mind.

Communication is key in order to establish expectations and specific homeschool-related needs. Discuss expectations, rules, and preferences with your exchange partners. Be flexible and adaptable to new surroundings and routines, and help identify those opportunities for your partners. Take advantage of local educational opportunities and immerse yourselves in the culture, and help guide and facilitate that for the other family.

Communication is key in order to establish expectations and specific homeschool-related needs. Discuss expectations, rules, and preferences with your exchange partners. Be flexible and adaptable to new surroundings and routines, and help identify those opportunities for your partners. Take advantage of local educational opportunities and immerse yourselves in the culture, and help guide and facilitate that for the other family.

As a member of WSHS, you will be able to select fellow members through the function My Communities on People Like Us website. In addition, you may search for homes that are owned specifically by other families on PLU who homeschool. Once in touch, feel free to get to know your home swap partner! You can establish any educational-related needs.

A home exchange is a fantastic way for your family to experience exciting outdoor activities and adventures off the usual tourist path. You'll have the chance to explore local hiking trails, try out extreme sports, and even participate in community events that involve challenging outdoor activities.

Look for home listings that are close to mountains for hiking, rivers perfect for rafting, or popular rock climbing spots. Also, keep an eye out for homes near adventure parks or local events that focus on outdoor activities.

The Rotary Home Exchange Fellowship was started over 50 years ago. With the emergence of the Internet for arranging home exchanges the Fellowship decided to partner with commercial home exchange agencies that could provide the needed scale and technology. People Like Us Home Exchange has been chosen by the Fellowship because of the quality of its technology, management, and customer base. The management and members of People Like Us share Rotary's commitment to international friendship and integrity.

People Like Us and Rotary share the same values. Like PLU's, Rotary is an organisation full of trusted, kind, generous, service-oriented people who will make great PLU's. We always want more people and homes on the site so we have more choice, and this is a great way for us to build our membership, and expose People Like Us to large group of people who will integrate into our community really well.

Yes. Rotary members can click on My Communities on the main menu, then on the house icon to find other Rotarians. There's also a special Rotary badge on Rotary listings, visible only to Rotary members.

Rotary members are just like any other PLU members with only one difference. They can identify each other as Rotary members but, for all other purposes, Rotary members are PLU's like any other. Rotary members can exchange with non-Rotary and vice versa. We're all a part of one big happy family.