Is People Like Us too Australian?

I often read that PLU is too Australian.

I'm not sure anything could be too Australian! 😂

We're really nice. And we'd love to welcome you down under, any time you want to come!

I'd like to dispel that little myth though.

I'm Australian, as are 294 other listings that we have here, but we make up just under 10% of the PLU community. In order, for our almost 3,000 listings, we are:

Europe - 54% North America - 28% Oceania (Australia, NZ, Pacific islands): 12% Asia: 3% Africa: 2% South America: 1%

When Dawn from ShareTraveler interviewed me last June I gave her percentages then (we had 1616 listings at the time). They were almost identical. Europe has gone up 1%, Oceania down 1%, everything else the same. USA is our biggest country with around 550 listings and France is next with just under 500.

So the next time anyone says we're too Australian:

Blame me, because I probably am. Tell them we're over half Euro!

Premium Admin


Founder & CEO of People Like Us
Travelling group
LGBTQ+ friendly Remote Worker