Stories of resilience from our PLU community

I'm constantly encouraged and heartened by the resilience I see in our community. 🙂

While there isn't so much travel going on right now, this community is thriving. Our Facebook group is booming.

Seeing all the stories of what's happening for you locally has given me a personal account of how this virus is affecting the world.

While the situation in Europe and the USA is terrible and terrifying, I've loved seeing the way that everyone has responded by being kind to each other, with humour to push the sadness away.

We held our breaths as one PLU struggled to get home to her son in Bolivia, another drove from Spain to Scotland, another battled to get home from Hawaii.

I've also been hugely encouraged to see the hope displayed by people planning holidays for later in the year and next year.

Of course we've seen a lot of cancellations (and every single person has been very understanding of their fellow PLU) but we've also had 20 new listings in the last 10 days or so.

Keep it up! Plan for 2021!! 🤩

Around a dozen PLU's have finalised exchanges for later in the year or next year. That's so cool! If we can't go now, we'll just go later! ❤️

PLU's are amazing! ❤️🌏

Premium Admin


Founder & CEO of People Like Us
Travelling group
LGBTQ+ friendly Remote Worker