#36088 Premium

Peace and Tranquility Between Sea and Hills

Guesthouse • Afife Portugal

    2 Guests  
    1 Bedroom  
    1 Bathroom  
  Primary home

Exchange types accepted



Listed  August 2024
Views  94

General overview

My home is a refurbished old peasant's house. But I have a large garden with a large lawn area and a 10m X 5m pool. Across the garden I have two guest cottages. My friends, my home exchange guests, and sometimes paying tourists stay in the cottages. The cottages have two single beds, a well equipped kitchenette area at the end of the living area. The living area has a sofa and an easy chair and a dining table for four. There's a modern shower & WC. The place is extremely peaceful. No traffic, No neighbours. Clean air. Coolness when very hot days come to Porto and Viana do Castelo and elsewhere in Europe! It is the peaceful garden, the quietness, the space, that makes me love my place and fortunately in 20 years we've never had a negative review from friends, tourists or home exchangers as you can see in our Guest Book!


Clothes dryer
Clothes dryer
Hair dryer
Hair dryer
High Speed Internet
High Speed Internet
Bed sheets
Bed sheets
Deck / patio / courtyard / terrace
Deck / patio / courtyard / terrace
Covered porch / verandah
Covered porch / verandah

Travel Styles


House rules

    Unsuitable for infants under 2
    Unsuitable for children ages 2-12
    Pets not allowed
    No smoking


    Dog free
    Carpet free
    Smoke free
    Low allergen

Dates of Availability

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Map of Approximate Location

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People Like Us Local Guide

I am used to receiving guests from various countries and driving them around the village or to other places of interest around the area. I can socialise as much or as little as guests would like to. Sometimes I can even cook a meal (vegetarian only)! My partner Alda is good at doing fish barbecues in the garden in summer and often our guests join us! I have a large eclectic library and guests can browse through it or borrow a book. I have. varied DVD collection and many guests like watching films since there is no TV in the cottage! We can share the pool or I can leave guests alone if they so prefer. All things are open to dialogue and all is well so long as there is respect and friendliness and human decency!


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I am Paula in my 70's and my house and large garden is in northern Portugal, in a village called AFIFE 11km north of Viana do Castelo circa 95km from Porto's airport. I was born and raised in Mozambique East Africa, both my parents were Portuguese. I have lived in Mozambique, South Africa, Denmark, London and now I live between AFIFE and Oxford. I had a variety of jobs from Advisor on migrants, Immigrants and Refugees to London Councils to Managing Development projects in Mozambique, I have a Portuguese partner 10 years younger than me, Alda, who is a lawyer in Portugal but in Oxford she works for Oxfam.. I am now trying to write my Memoirs. I take care of my garden and my 7 year old tabby cat Thomasina who answers to the nickname "PICKLY".
Travelling group
LGBTQ+ friendly Retired
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