#30671 Non-Premium

Charming duplex in the heart of Paris

Apartment • Paris France

    2 Guests  
    1 Bedroom  
    1 Bathroom  
  Primary home

Exchange types accepted

  Non-Reciprocal & Globe  


Listed  May 2024
Views  80

General overview

My apartment is a charming elegant fully furnished apartment. Completely renewed it has a vintage style. Perfect for max 2 people. From the window you can also see the river on the left side. The area is full of shops and restaurants.


Coffee machine
Coffee machine
High Speed Internet
High Speed Internet

House rules

    Suitable for infants under 2
    Suitable for children ages 2-12
    Pets not allowed
    No smoking

Dates of Availability

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Map of Approximate Location

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I'm Fiorella, an Italian leaving for Paris. I love traveling and discussing with friends. I discovered that exchanging apartments allows you to discover new places in a sustainable way. I am an astronomer who deals with communication and organization of international events in the space sector. I love big cities with skyscrapers but also small islands... there is always something to discover.
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Desired Destinations

Dates flexible

Dates flexible

Dates flexible

Dates flexible