We are a family of 4. Me, Siri, is 51 years old. I work as a critical care nurse at the multitrauma intensive care unit at Oslo University Hospital - one of the largest hospitals in Nothern Europe. I am also specialized in cardiac nursing and muticultural healthcare.
Stein Erik is 55 years old. He is not working due to an accident many years ago. He likes to do roadtrips and go for walks with our little pomchi dog.
Daughter Stine is 15 years old. She is in last year of secondary school. She likes to hang out with friends.
Mathias is 7 years old. He is in 2nd grade at primary school. He likes to play football, waterparks and watch TV.
We all love to travel we are experienced homeexchangers previouly from Homelink, Intervac and Homeexchange.
Travelling group