We've just released a new Profile Checklist to help you get your profile exchange-ready and make the most out of your People Like Us subscription.
While we have a hundred different things you can fill in about you and your home, our team has worked through the attributes that most successful PLU's have, and brought them into a single place.
Access your Profile Checklist from your member menu:
You'll see 19 different items across your member profile (about you) and your home profile. Each will have a green tick or a red cross next to them, and a link at the right-hand side where you can go directly to the place in your profile to edit that item. The link is highlighted if you don't have that item filled, but all links work regardless.
All items are weighted equally for an overall score of profile completeness. If you have more than one home profile, only the first active profile is considered. If you don't have any active home profiles, the first inactive one is considered instead.
This information is just for you, not shown to anyone else, and just to help you complete your profile. You don't need to worry or report it if your score is not 100%. Many people, for example, choose not to use Facebook and so won't have their profile connected.
We hope you find it useful! ❤️