People Like Us Introduces Message Translations

Includes message language detection and natural language translation

As I continually strive to make People Like Us the best platform it can be, this week I'm introducing the first version of a message translation service. The way it works is like this:

Every time you send a message to another member, the PLU platform will detect what language you're speaking.

When you receive a message from a member in another language, that's when the magic happens. 

If the language received is not the same as the language you have set in the system, you'll be offered a translation.

The Translate button will appear if the message is not in your language.

Just as you'd expect, click the Translate button and the message will be translated.

You can also see the original text if you wish.

After translation, the button will change to See Original in case you are bilingual and want to see the original. 

Just like before, you can use the language switcher on the main menu to set your main language. There's also a new section in your member profile for you to set it too.

Use the language switcher to set your language.

This is the first version of translation services for messages and I intend to improve it over time. If you see something unusual going on, please send me a message.




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Founder & CEO of People Like Us
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