Meet Vanessa and her spectacular home in Bali. Sleeping 10 over 4 bedrooms and with 5.5 bathrooms, this is a large family home with open plan living, enclosed movie room and gourmet kitchen. But you have to see the pictures to get the full sense of just how special this home is. Absolutely beautiful. Visit People Like Us today to swap with Vanessa or any of our other fantastic homes.
People Like Us is the world's most trusted home exchange community. We believe in sharing, trust, generosity, respect, communication, equality, cooperation, honesty, hospitality, friendship, flexibility and adventure. We take pride in our homes and we care about the environment in which we live: our village, city, country and our planet. We care about the ethos of home exchange and we do it because we love the experience and the friendships that it generates.
People Like Us
Home Exchange Pty Ltd